Marine Science A Level
We offer students from around the world the opportunity to immerse
themselves in conservation work and obtain qualifications that can help their career.
Cambridge International accredited Marine Science A Level in partnership with Tree of Life International Charter School
The Marine science A-level is split into two parts, the first part; the AS-level and the second; the A2 level. The AS level investigates the scientific study of the sea and its related ecosystems whilst the A2-Level looks at human activities and how we impact and rely upon the ocean.
AS Modules:
1) Water
2) Earth Processes
3) Interactions in Marine Ecosystems
4) Classification and Biodiversity
5) Examples of Marine Ecosystems
A Level Modules:
1) Physiology of Marine Organisms
2) Energy
3) Fisheries for the future
4) Human Impacts on Marine Ecosystems
Students will be living and breathing this A-Level course as they share the camp with marine biologists from around the world and will be able to participate in our turtle conservation work directly. The course will be a mixture of classroom learning and practical field-based learning. Students will be taught by a mixture of qualified teachers and experienced marine biologists.
The course will last 16 weeks and will follow this structure:
• First month online learning – Introduction and basic biology
• Welcome to Costa Rica 7-day coastal tour
• 4 weeks theory and practical work on COPROT conservation camp
• 1 week ecology field trip
• 4 weeks theory and practical work on COPROT conservation camp
• Final 2 weeks in Tree of Life in San Jose revising and preparing for exams
• 12 weeks accommodation and full board
• Comprehensive teaching and practical experience on sea turtle nesting beaches
• Airport pick up and drop off
• 7 day welcome to CR tour
• 7 day ecology field trip
• Cambridge Exam fees (facilitated by Tree of Life)
• Administration fees for Tree of Life